Flooring, Kitchen & Bath Design

Modern gray kitchen features dark gray flat front cabinets

Top 6 Reasons to Remodel Your Kitchen This Year

Remodeling your kitchen can be a big undertaking because of the disruption to your life, as well as the financial implications. But kitchen remodeling cost in Orange County, CA, can certainly be considered an investment when you consider all the benefits that come with doing this remodel. In fact, remodeling your kitchen can also help you achieve numerous goals that you may have made for the year. Here are six reasons it’s a good idea to remodel your kitchen this year.[/caption]


As the weather warms up, many people aim to become more organized in their home, and start to do some spring cleaning. Unfortunately, this can be difficult to do if there aren’t good options for where things belong. A good remodel solves this problem in the kitchen by using shelf, pantry, and drawer space perfectly to ensure everything has a place, so that everything can actually be put in its place. Divided storage and adjustable shelving makes it easy to fit all your flatware, kitchen gadgets, food, and other kitchen essentials in an organized manner, whether you’re a naturally organized person or not.


Your health is another reason to consider a kitchen remodel. Few people want to spend time cooking and eating in a space they don’t enjoy. If you don’t enjoy being in your current kitchen, it’s worth the kitchen remodel cost in Orange County, CA, to have your kitchen re-done so that it’s somewhere you want to spend time cooking healthy foods, rather than turning to easier options like pre-packaged, processed foods or eating out. Your health will benefit when you consume more wholesome, home-cooked meals instead.


Whether you need a boost to your social media profile or to your actual social life, remodeling your kitchen is a great way to do that. You’re sure to gain attention on social media when you show off your newly designed kitchen, but you’ll also feel more comfortable inviting guests to a dinner party with beautiful cabinets, modern paint colors, beautiful light fixtures, updated appliances, and sleek, natural-stone countertops.


Remodeling your kitchen is sure to increase its functionality. Along with being better organized, your kitchen can be designed to fit your lifestyle. The food preparation areas can be customized to your family’s needs, and the seating appropriate for what you’ll actually use. Advances in cabinetry and hardware can make your kitchen easier to use so that you can get things done quickly to meet the needs of your family’s busy lifestyle.


Remodeling your kitchen has a number of financial benefits. By installing newer, more energy-efficient appliances, you can help save money in the long run on energy use. You can also go green by installing a low-flow faucet to conserve water. In addition to saving money on utility bills, you’ll boost your home’s value, which is important if you plan on selling any time soon.


Finally, updating your kitchen will recreate the hub of your home so that it’s a place your family can gather together comfortably and often. Some kitchen remodels might not need much change to achieve this, but others may require you to reconfigure the space so that the family can cook, eat, and socialize in the same area. Opening up the kitchen and dining area makes it easier for the entire family to gather and enjoy each other’s company. For ideas on how to have the perfect kitchen remodel, call FKB Design today.